There are tons of videos out there in regards to the DJI P4P and P4P v2 including flight videos, camera comparisons and technical spec reviews. The one thing we always see wrong is the constant misinformation in regards to the definitions of the camera shutter and which shutter is actually used on this drone. Almost every drone has an electronic linear rolling shutter. Yes, all of them including the P4P v2. It does not have a global shutter, as most others have you to believe. It is very uncommon and expensive for a drone or any consumer grade camera to have a global shutter. A global shutter and mechanical shutter are two completely different things. The P4P v2 has a linear rolling electronic shutter (as do all drones we know of) along with a mechanical shutter (which can only used for photographs at certain shutter speeds).
Then there is the actual sensor. The mechanical shutter does not magically transform the other components in the drone. The 1″ CMOS sensor still reads line by line, technically not globally or all at once. When the electronic shutter is used, the sensor reads line by line. If the mechanical shutter is used, the sensor still reads line by line, but the image distortion is far less than a linear rolling shutter. Only a real photographer will know the technical difference between the two. We even reached out to DJI for more information and they stated we are correct. See the image below for a screenshot of your conversation:
We just wanted to pass this information along to everyone and provide you with correct information.
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